Review of Creepozoids

Creepozoids (1987)
If a doctor tells you that you have 3 months left to live...
23 October 2010
I highly suggest you spend it with director Dave DeCoteau because homeboy can make 72 minutes feel like years! It is post-apocalypse 1998 and a group of five Army deserters (including Linnea Quigley and Ashlyn Gere) find shelter from the acid rain inside an abandoned medical test facility. Bad news as this houses some big ass monster that likes to tear people apart. Oh, and a shower. This low-rent sci-fi horror is like ALIEN and ALIENS but on a budget of a few thousand. In the positive department, DeCoteau knows how to properly get exploitation material (nudity, gore, slime, mutant rats) up on the screen. The downside is there isn't really much else. The end has the hero (Richard Hawkins) confronting the monster alone and I swear he lets the thing sneak up on him about 50 times. To make matters worse, Creepozoid dies but immediately produces some mutant baby Creepozoid, Jr. that proceeds to sneak up on our hero 25 times before he strangles it with its umbilical cord.
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