Review of Inception

Inception (2010)
Something is missing...
1 November 2010
Call me "dumb", I do not care, because I have my own mind and experience and I know by now that I am not. My only reserve is that maybe I should see it twice, or that this is not the moment for me to have seen it( As is with reading books, today one can't stand it , tomorrow it makes perfect sense). Apart from this, a movie being an experience destined to consume itself at the maximum in one "kick", after this Inception experience, I feel that something is really missing here. What is the idea of this movie? What is it trying to express? In what system of beliefs is all this taking place? Because, apart from the famous cast, the good performances, the special effects that are everywhere and the incessant and disturbing gun noises, I do not see what am I supposed to get enriched with through watching this movie? OK, the idea of conscious dreaming is centuries-old, so is the idea of "staging" the life or the universe(no need to mention the link to Matrix, etc), but who would be the "dreamer" if we extrapolated to our lives? Because the thought of a world meant just for corporations and "important" individuals, I do not like. So, in a person's life, any person, how are the Inception ideas fitting in? Are we to look and see who "dreams" for us, and the movie couldn't put this idea bluntly? Are we dealing with an explanation for wave function collapse, controlled consciously by some skilled to do so and implementing during our sleep? I feel the need to say, "please explain yourself". One cannot mount such a giant of a movie (publicity, effects, cast and so), and in the end leave you with a bigger blur than before such ideas occurred. I would say it is either a case of snobbish commercialism that is not backed up by enough understanding and research, or a case of intricate mind and ideas that have no clarity in expressing themselves. It is an exercise for the brain, I give it that. But in the light of too much gratuitous violence, too less contoured universe of the movie, too crowded action, too soapy emotional effects (the passed away wife, the uncommunicative rich father) and too high praise that it deserves (c'mon, this is the new Matrix? Are we going back as the time goes by?, I feel deeply not pleased.
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