Vampire Diary (2006)
When the plot revolves around idiot wannabe vampires even making one real can't save it.
14 November 2010
Plot: A young woman sets out to make a documentary about a group of people who spend their weekends pretending to be vampires, only she meets another woman who claims that she actually is a vampire.

Budget: About $85.00.

What was so horribly wrong then Smart-Guy? I think I can understand why they thought there might be a movie in this, only they forgot that in real life there is NOTHING cool about people who think that they are really vampires, not for one second. And boy does that show through here with the bunch of dickheads that play the weekend bloodsuckers.

The lesbian vampire angle (always) shows promise, and there is some T&A, but now two weeks on I battle to recall anything about this flick. It is so lightweight and yawn-worthy in its own indie little way that they forgot to make anything interesting.

Also, I have two words if you desperately need to see the lesbian bits, p & orn.

I have actually seen worse than this, but then I absolutely hated those films too, so that is faint praise.

Final Rating – 4.5 / 10. A bit of T & A can't derail this fast train to Sh*tsville.

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