The closest American equivalent would be...John Waters?
22 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was an interesting little off-kilter film that seems to be equal parts heavy handed satire, absurdist fable, and trash cinema exploitation. Think John Waters with dubbing, or David Lynch with a lighter touch and a better sense of humor.

In spite of all the acres of flesh and rampant softcore porn style screwing on display here, this film manages to keep a bit of heart by cleverly casting Fiona Horsey as its lead. Love her or hate her as an actress, you have to admit that Fiona is game for anything in any scene - being sexually assaulted by her boyfriend while pinned in the passenger window of a muscle car, being sexually assaulted by her doctor while he's examining her, being tied to a bed and sexually assaulted by a mark while working as a prostitute, being tied up in a motor home on her honeymoon as crooks steal her vehicle, resignedly killing another mark (or her future father-in-law) in order to feed her 'vagina dentata'...she gives every scene her all, and never seems less than appealing and wholesome, like the girl next store...if the girl next store killed all her sexual partners by pulling them wholesale into her private parts.

It seems to me that the movie is maybe 20 minutes too long and has one too many threads/subplots. Although both the "siamese twin" subplot and the "bank robbery" subplot were twisted and funny, between the two, the movie wore out its welcome before it was finished. Also, many of the scenes themselves are too long by a minute or two...it's as if the director and screenwriter had so many lines they wanted to include and shots they wanted to try out that they couldn't bear to abandon any of them.

More of a miss than a hit, but it does try a lot of things with a lot of enthusiasm and deserves some credit for trying to be different...and almost pulling it off.
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