Review of Vatos

The Walking Dead: Vatos (2010)
Season 1, Episode 4
Back on Track
23 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As each scene unfolded in this episode I kept thinking, "Hey, WOW, good idea. That actually makes sense." As opposed to the previous two episodes when I was becoming more and more irritated as time went on, THIS viewing upped the ante. Or at least brought it back to sensible.

The writers took a look at some questions that had been flitting around the back of my head and I was happy to see them explored: the changing hierarchical relationships in the group; somebody using military strategy to plan for a goal; people starting to succumb to sunstroke; taking care of severe wounds by cauterizing them; realizing that those left alone are as dangerous (if not more so) than the walkers; characters thinking about the motivations of their compatriots (beyond survival, then what?); other groups/gangs that must be near urban centers to scavenge; the backstories of how random groups of people band together for mutual benefit.

And the ending, whoo-hoo! Bravo! Because a great number of people (namely, four guys in my office) have been running scenarios of what to do in the event of a zombie catastrophe. And making camp somewhere with a defensible perimeter was at the top of the list. Sitting out in the woods like a duck on pond was a mistake that really came back to haunt them. I was waiting for that problem to be shoved in their faces.

I'm glad this show is back on track with smart writing and sweet goriness. Next to the pilot this is the best episode, hands down.

MAJOR SPOILER QUESTIONS: So now I wonder, how long will it take before she has to kill her sister? And what will they eventually do with Merle, because my guess is he ferried those zombies up the mountain to take his revenge?
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