The type of film that most people will either love or hate, unless you're like me.
7 December 2010
'THE WARRIOR'S WAY': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

First time filmmaker Sngmoo Lee writes and directs this martial arts East meets West western fantasy ninja comedy epic. It stars Asian superstar Dong-gun Jang and co-stars Kate Bosworth, Geoffrey Rush, Danny Huston, Lung Ti and Tony Cox. The film is very odd and kind of a mess but it's also very beautiful and packed with stylized battle scenes. I have mixed feelings about the film going experience as a whole but there's definitely a lot to like here!

The film is set in the 19th century and tells the story of a ninja assassin named Yang (Jang), who's recently taken over the title of greatest swordsman ever, who's on the run from his clan after refusing to kill a baby, the last member of their enemy. He hides out, with the baby, in a run down town in the American West where a new circus group is starting up. There he befriends an assortment of odd characters including a drunk gunman (Rush) and a beautiful young knives thrower (Bosworth), who he of course develops feelings for. He learns to love his new life until his past tracks him down.

Dong-gun Jang is a fantastic leading man action hero and Lee's directing style is interesting. The supporting cast is all adequate, with Huston and Rush chewing up the scenery (Bosworth, one of my favorites, is a little oddly cast). The film is breathtakingly beautiful at times with a classic epic old film style look to it and there's some great homage played to Sergio Leone of course. The film is a little too all over the place for me though and a tad too goofy. It reminds me in a lot of ways to the type of films Stephen Chow has put out but not quite as good. It is entertaining in a lot of ways though and has at least something pleasing to offer almost any viewer. It's the type of film that most people will either love or hate, unless you're like me. This is the type of movie I can appreciate and enjoy in parts.

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