Giant Pinwheel In Space
15 December 2010
For some reason by 2001 humankind has skipped over the 7th planet for whatever and a UN expedition is now exploring Uranus. You can see immediately why Journey To The Seventh Planet was not entitled Journey To Uranus. Now that I've gotten that out my system.

The most distinguishing characteristic of Uranus is that instead of spinning on its axis in orbit around the it rolls instead. The five visible moons of Uranus look like a giant pinwheel in space.

Well better films than this have failed to predict the correct future, 2001 - A Space Odyssey immediately comes to mind. When the expedition gets to Uranus instead of the methane atmosphere, subzero freeze that are on Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune the other gas giants, they find an Elysian field like existence with some of the most curvaceous women you'll ever see on screen.

Of course this is all an illusion and what's driving it is a giant brain which can convert just about anything to anything and it reads the minds of the expedition. What a sex obsessed bunch this was, especially John Agar.

The giant brain is looking for transportation to earth with a population it can enslave. Will the men of the expedition figure it all out and stop the brain? That's what you watch the film for.

Journey To The Seventh Planet is one of those films you put your brain on hold and just enjoy. But if it were made today and you hope humankind would have a more diverse future expedition say for 2080, if you had gay people on the trip as astronauts what interesting fantasies the brain might pick up.
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