Palo Alto, CA (2007)
18 December 2010
When I first discovered this movie in 2007, it had only been played at the Tribeca Film Festival. Then it was released for an audience at UCLA, and well i was more than anxious to see this movie . Even when it did make its way to DVD release, it was very difficult to find. Thank god for Netflix! I thought it would have a whole dazed and confused type feel to it. It didn't. But it still does emit that sort of indie movie feel when you watch it. Okay, so basically theirs a group of four friends, that are home from high school. Their all kind of going off in their own directions, but still trying to hold on to the past. Whats really neat about this film is that it all takes place over a course of one night. So you get very attached to the characters. You can really feel the actors confusion, care and emotion. I was so excited to see this movie mainly because of the cast. I've always found Tom Arnold very amusing, and who doesn't love Ben Savage (Boy Meets World). I was also curious to see Aaron Ashmore and Ryan Hansen reunite again after working so well together on Veronica Mars. After seeing Johnny Lewis play a tough biker in Sons of Anarchy, I found it a little hard to watch in such a meek/geeky role. But I guess it goes to show how much a dynamic actor he can be, because he has portrayed both quite well! The comedy is surely underplayed, but their are a few amusing(not funny) scenes.the camera work in the film is purely average.Does do a good job of depicting the changes we go through as we grow up. New relationships beginning, old ones ending.
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