"Anyone who's got 10 cents in his pocket aught to make out a will.Just in case you don't have a dime."
19 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
SOME QUOTES FROM MEMORY: Griffin - "Say - do you know what I heard in the Kitchen? Sidell died, about an hour ago." Dan- "Oh. Find out what it was?" Griffin - "Something he ate. Anybody that gobbles food down the way he done, they never know what they're shoveling down their gullets until it's too late!" Dan - "Oh." Griffin - "Sad ain't it!" Later before Griffin leaves jail. Hardy - "Ames" Ames - "Mister Ames!" Hardy - "Mister Ames." Ames - "Next time you wanna know something, be respectful." Hardy - "Ames! Ames! Oh when I break out of here the first thing I'm going to do is get that Ames and beat him down!" Griffin - "You know Sadman. You don't sound like the same fellow that came in here six weeks ago!" Hardy - "I'm not!" Griffin - "I'd love to stay here with you but I've got a living to make. You know they're paying a lot of money for Indian scalps!" Hardy - "You ever collected many, huh?" Griffin - "Lots of them since I came out west, sometimes more than even just a scalp!" Hardy - "Like a whole girl eh, like you had before." Griffin - "Yea. All in one piece! You know I wish I could do you a favor Sadman. I wish I could bring one in here to keep you company." Hardy - "There's only one woman I wanna see. See her in the flesh. Real! As I see here in my head all the day and all of the night. Ten years! Ten years wasn't going to mean a thing to me! Only one month since I've been here, I'm likely to go loco worried about her not knowing whether she's had the baby. Not knowing whether they're taking car of her not knowing…" Griffin butting in sarcastically - "Don't upset yourself Sadman. Why, you might as well get used to the idea that this, this wife of yours has, has moved in with some other guy. Because that's what she is going to do if she hasn't done it already!" Hardy - "I love her!" Griffin - "She's no princess!" Big punch up occurs. Ames - "Oh let him go! Let him go, back off. That's no way to say Goodbye!" Hardy - "Don't know what got into me." Griffin (panting) - "Feel the same way myself sometimes! You know Sadman, if there is anything I can do to make you rest easier I'll go out of my way to do it!" Dan - "No Thanks, I'll manage." Ames - "Oh Hardy about the mail, they tell me all the stamps in Washington got burnt up! Ain't going to be no mail, never again, too bad eh, shove it over! Come on Griffin." Griffin finishing up - "I'll be with you in a minute sir." I'd like to leave you something to remember me by.You know that little animal of mine? (glass horse), gave me lots of pleasure." Dan - "If it would make you feel any better leave it!" Griffin - "I would of liked to but I can't." Dan -"Why not?" Griffin - "Sidell, he ate it! Ha haw ha ha haw haw." END SCENE. After Dan breaks out of jail and goes to Griffin's house: Griffin -" May there's someone out there, who do you think it is?" May - "I don't hear nothing." May -"Nobody!" (Loud Knocking) Griffin - "You'd better learn to believe me Little Miss May! Open the door." Dan enters house. Griffin - "Well if it isn't my old friend huh!" Dan - "Hello Griffin I broke out." Griffin - "Good, good, never thought you had it in you. Come on sit down Sadman. Sit down! Little Miss May I got myself a guest. How about a bottle and two glasses huh? There you are. Drink up Sadman.Drink up." Dan - "Tastes funny after so long." Griffin - "You'll get used to it again." So you broke out of old Fort Smith did ya? Kill anyone doing it?" Dan - "No. But I gave Ames something to remember though!" Griffin - "Yea I bet you did. You're good at that Sadman!" What are you going to do now Sadman? See my wife. When are you planning on seeing her? I don't know they'll be watching my place all the time, waiting for me to come and get her. I wouldn't worry about them watching your place Sadman. Why not? Well they'll be using all the men they can get for couple a Emmett and Dyer. Somebody kill Emmett and Dyer? Yeah. They was bush-whacked and the horses ran off with a wagon-load of prisoners. They must have been a mighty sore tailed crowd, the horses hightailed it all the way back to Fort Smith! That's a long haul, a long haul! Yeah I know I just made it. Yeah you look kinda tired Sadman. I think you'll be needing some sleep. Come on I'll show you where to lie down huh. Here you are! Just throw yourself down eh, don't even bother to take your boots off! Lie down lie down go on. I'll be seeing you in the morning Sadman, I got some things to do. Goodnight! (Griffin closes the door.) May, May! What are you doing in the shed?" May - I was just cleaning up that's all." Griffin - My old friend's using the bedroom if you wanna sleep do it out here." May - "What if he wakes up and wants something?" Griffin - "If you can't hear him he won't get it will he?" END SCENE. After Dan's wife storms out: Griffin - "There she goes! And here she comes! Come over here Miss May. Pull up a chair, sit right with us huh, right next to me come on! Now we can all have some fun." Dan - "Had a tumble Mam?" Griffin - "Little Miss May - fell off a horse, tut tut!"
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