Family Guy: It's a Trap! (2011)
Season 9, Episode 18
Seth Green, not Macfarlane
23 December 2010
Normally I don't see the point in doing movie reviews, but this seemed like a good time. If you are a huge an of the original Star Wars movies like I am then this is not a parody you want to watch. Trying to squeeze a 2 1/2 hour move into the course is a bad Idea to begin with, but it seems like they didn't even try. I didn't find "Blue Harvest" very good, but it was funnier then Empire, and much more then "It's A Trap". For some stupid reason they feel the need to drag out a single joke over a whole minute. Seth Macfarlane and Seth Green always have their who's better arguments, and after watching Robot Chicken Star Wars III I'd definitely say Seth Green. Rbt Chkn 3 is full of laughs non-stop, they actually tried with it, instead of just releasing it because it was expected. If you want a parody that is hilarious, but doesn't make you want 45 minutes back go with robot chicken.

I was overall Very Disappointed. I gave it a low rating because of, poor or next to no entertainment, about 15 minutes in I was already thinking please god end this, and At the the main title "scrolling space text" Macfarlane didn't exactly build it up at all. If you don't believe me watch it yourself, I am almost positive you will be disappointed.
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