Review of Hereafter

Hereafter (2010)
Hereafter - great potential unrealized
1 February 2011
This movie had great -- but unrealized -- potential. Matt D. is wonderfully downplaying his gift-curse. The little boy-twin who stays alive is remarkably credible. The female French lead is, well, the cliché of a female French lead, as is Paris, as is most things French & European. But the idea of reaching out like this & touching the afterlife as something which is not religious, not specific to any religion or church makes the spine of the movie tough & credible. Yet the realization of this narrative is weakly resolved through utter bathos; through insincere, grossly sentimental pathos -- the very worst expression of which is the ending where true love at first sight solves all problems. Huh? This is, fundamentally, a story about grieving. About the grieving which accompanies death & makes the dead feel present. Even the grieving about one's own almost dying. Instead of confrontation -- the makers finally took the camera & ran; ending it all on a weak, pathetic, mushy, cop-out kiss. Sad. What a missed opportunity.
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