Kato Kicks Booty (But Britt Reid Is Cool Too)
4 February 2011
I know. I hear you out there. You're screaming "SETH ROGEN ISN'T FUNNY!" And until this movie, I would have agreed with you. He seemed to play the same lovable (and probably brain fried) dope in every film, and it was such a one note song I was ready for someone to pop the CD out and snap it in two. SURPRISE - this is a movie where Seth Rogen's comedic sensibility actually makes SENSE. He's the spoiled little rich kid who always hated his daddy, who by the grace of bad legal advice (seriously who would leave a publishing empire to their spoiled brat with no strings attached) winds up with a fortune. What to do with unlimited money and craploads of free time? At first he gets even with daddy dearest. Then he decides getting even with REAL bad guys is much more fun. And that's the key to "The Green Hornet" circa 2011 - it's an unapologetic unbridled romp through fun. It's a movie full of gadgets that would make even Q of James Bond fame blush, packed with drug pushing, gun-toting baddies who get their deserved comeuppance despite Britt's relative ineptitude - all thanks to his faithful sidekick Kato. Along the way though Britt discoveries his humanity, regrets his selfish ways, and does so in a way that thankfully DOESN'T come across as preachy condescending Hollywood moralistic crap. Just when you think this movie is going to run out of gas and/or laughs, the big swerve leaves you punch drunk and enthusiastically cheering for the good guys. I was disappointed when there was no bonus scene after the credits - I stayed until the end hoping for one more scene with Britt and Kato hamming it up. That to me is as good an endorsement for why to see this film as you can get.
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