Review of Babies

Babies (2010)
Light piece, hard to stay attentive
5 February 2011
The images of sibling rivalry and napping children are universally understood and anchor this film. Those glimpses of commonality tie families together across the globe. But the striking differences with handling a nursing baby, or changing a diaper, or establishing boundaries make for the most interesting moments in this film.

First World'ers will cringe to watch the baby from Nambia crawl down to a stream to drink some water. So there are some provocative moments in the film, that inspire the viewer. There are some moments in the film that make the viewer truly thankful to have First World conveniences.

But mostly, the movie meanders through cute images of children, with no sense of story or timeline. Just picture how long your attention is maintained looking through someone else's photo albums with no accompanying storyline or narrative.

It will amuse or interest parents, mostly during the few scenes that will feel quite alien or even alarming, but surprisingly my youngsters were completely unimpressed with the images of these other youngsters.

Plus, unfortunately, the US family is some New World hippy family from San Francisco who worship the Moon Goddess. The only hope is that their child seems to recognize this goofiness and runs for the door during one of their chanting rituals.

Basically, a movie that could have been culled down to 7 or 8 scenes of interest.
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