Fun stuff for kids, more than OK for their parents
15 February 2011
In the beautiful British town of Stratford-Upon-Avon there's a street where the owners of two neighbouring houses have no idea of the rich lives being led in their backyards. In these backyards there are two groups of garden gnomes - one garden is ruled by the blue hatted variety, the other is ruled by the red hatted variety. An age old feud - of which the reason has long since been forgotten - is keeping them apart, but unexpected events might just be enough to get them back together again.

Loosely based on the Shakespearean tragedy Romeo And Juliet this animation film keeps the middle line between tragicomedy and romance. Like many animation films being made these last years it combines fun things for kids with fun things for adults - without hurting either group (the innuendo that is fun for adults is not seen by kids whose innocence protects them from it, the deviation from the original tales to make it fun for kids is not so warped that it makes it unrecognisable for them parents).

The animation is great - the gnomes and the gardens are just lovely to watch. The setting with gnomes is flawless - the sounds, the implications of being a garden gnome - it works out really well.

If there would be one bit of negativity for this film it is that its trailer is a bit too biased towards an audience that wants to see romance instead of a bit of light comedy.

8 out of 10 midsummer night's dreams
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