Good but not great
10 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First let me start out by saying I am not a tween, far from a teen and definitely not a Twi-mom but I am a fan, I guess. I read the books some time ago although I never had any interest in Twilight and even less ambition to read four books about sparkling Vampires that call themselves vegetarians although they in deed kill animals…and animals at that, which are close to extinction. But let me not get started on all of that. The story has been dissected by many successfully and yet everyone who had anything to do with the franchise laughs all the way to the bank. I have read quite a few negative reviews here which go on an on about how horrible the storyline is...there are pages and pages which list remarkable conclusions about how obsessive Edward is in some aspects and yet when Bella kisses Jacob, he can't even bring himself to be angry at the girl nor the wolf. It is true, some of it doesn't make any sense and yet no one stops to think that we are watching a film about Vampires and Werewolves living amongst humans in Washington of all places...oh and they attend high school over and over again for the past 100 years or so. None of it makes sense and none of it is real, so by what standards should we criticize here? I find it absolutely incredible that no one mentions how ridiculous it may be that in 'Alice in Wonderland' a girl is every size and then some...she meets talking rabbits and ends up in a teapot and on the rim of a hat right before she yet again towers over everyone and befriends the evil Queen. In the Wizard of Oz, no one said: "she had to clip t her heels, and that's it?" No one questions how Dorothy can be so neat looking after surviving a Tornado...must I go on? The story is the story...is the story! I read the books, all of them, twice, and I loved them. I truly admire Stephenie Mayer for her ability to tell a story; although I still have the feeling that not all the books were her sole creation…we will never know for sure ;) The movies however seem to get worse as they multiply, with the first being the best. I rate this in part on my ability to stay interested and focused while watching. I like the love story; the idea of never ending love that's dangerous and yet so appealing. My husband, who was dragged to the theater by me, liked Eclipse better than the other 2 movies. Surely this has something to do with the battle scenes and the fact that there were actually supposed bad Vampires. In his opinion Vampires are demons who live from blood, human blood, -period. And they are supposed to catch on fire or blow up in sunlight. They aren't supposed to have any concern for human life…and surely not call upon a Werewolf for help. He also asked why Bella and Edward had to hang out in the meadow so much… "doesn't he have super human speed and could take her anywhere," he'd asked. But my husband didn't read the books nor would he ever want to. I honestly believe that too many changes have been made to each film, starting with the director and the crew. The hair alone is absolutely hideous and has anyone noticed how much Nikki Reed has changed? I am truly unsure if she had work done or if she just lost so very much weight that she now looks completely different. To rate the movie, I will give it a five, because it is worth watching; more so for the female of our species than the guys but I have seen much worse and because it is a part of a whole, I will watch the next two movies as well.
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