Not b-movie happiness, just not funny
1 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What separates disturbing content that is entertaining from disturbing content that is downright terrible is a hard thing for me. I sit through a lot of stuff that most people cannot abide, a lot of 70s sexploitation and Japanese weirdness and Italian giallo and so on. But I'm sorry, this movie is not fun, funny, or campy.

For the first 50 minutes of the movie, you get roughly four or five featuring the hero, Sister Sarah, doing the fun vigilante nun with a gun thing. The rest is rape fantasy after rape fantasy as the story largely follows a biker gang as they go about enjoying their rape. After a certain point it stops being "Geez these guys are real baddies, now let's blow 'em up to smithereens" but what feels like hours worth of prolonged, meaningless rape.

Fact is, there are a lot of movies that use the whole "Strong woman character comes back to destroy the bad guys" as an excuse to get away with rape fantasy, and my patience for these narratives extend further than what is probably healthy, but I have to draw a line at the point where the strong woman vigilante just... isn't there. She's written into the script but has no face time, it's not ABOUT her, Sister Sarah is not the hero of this show. Chavo, the bike gang leader, he's the one that holds the camera and pushes forward 90% of the narrative. He's the hero, and he's just not given his just due. The movie treats his actions as if they should be entertaining, but once you get passed the silliness of how they use the Rodriguez/Tarantino-esque throwback-to-70s titles in this movie, there is nothing funny about what happens in this movie.

So props to the title, 'cause it got my attention, but I'd recommend even b-movie fans give this one a pass. Even if you, god help you, find rape to be funny, let me just reiterate that it drags and drags. Often when something not naked or gun-toting is on screen, endless dialog copied and pasted from other movies slurges across a poorly recorded soundtrack. So overall, not much appealing behind such a titillating title.

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