Review of Hereafter

Hereafter (2010)
5 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
*possible spoiler* At first this movie looked very promising. Matt Damon is one who can act a wide variety of characters and I looked forward to something different. However, this movie left me disappointed on several levels. First, the opening scene. While the tsunami itself was tragic and hard to watch at times, the visual effects were abysmal. Could they have at least used real water? That didn't get things started off on the right foot. We watch as three different stories somehow come into one plot. While yes, they eventually merge, it took forever and the storyline dragged. Next was Damon's new friend from cooking class. I hate to say it, but she got what she asked for...then she just dropped from the story--weird. As for the ending, it left you hanging and thinking "really?" While I get the idea of the story and tales themselves are very compelling, movie as a whole didn't work. There wasn't enough background info on Damon's skills and I nearly fast-forwarded to the end to figure out what these 3 people had to do with each other. While "Hereafter" delves into the after-life, psychic abilities and fate, it ends up being a let down.
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