Operation Warzone is a misfire.
14 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Get ready for yet another romp in the jungle courtesy of David Prior and AIP. In this particular Vietnam war scenario, Sgt. Holt (Matthews), Cpl. Butler (Zipp) and Cpl. Adams (Holton), among other soldiers, are bravely fighting in the impossible conditions of the 'Nam jungles. During a firefight, they rescue two Tunnel Rats, Jenson (King) and Hawkins (Cianetti). It comes to light that there is a mysterious, unseen man, dubbed "The General" that has classified documents that could supposedly end the war. Much of the madness can be traced back to Washington and the corrupt George Delevane (Spinell). In a Firehawk-like situation, the soldiers don't know who to trust, and there could be a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top. Will Holt and the boys make it home alive? Or will the behind-the-scenes dealings get the better of everyone? Mindless shooting. Exploding huts. Endless machine gun firefights. Uninteresting explosions. Brain-numbing stupidity. Inexcusable boredom. Zero character development. Unexplained Australians. Goofy chases. Prerequisite torture sequence. An unnecessary fistfight scene that is so absurdly extended it makes the "put on the glasses" scene from They Live (1988) look like a blip. These are some basic snapshots that should give you some idea of the "we have to sit through it" vibe of Operation Warzone Matthews, Zipp and Holton are all AIP regulars, doing many things both in front of and behind the camera. It seems, contractually, Zipp cannot be in a movie that doesn't take place in a jungle. So he must have been right at home. Holton looks completely different that he did in White Fury (1990). In 'Fury he's a snot-nosed little punk, and here he has an adult mustache and appears at least ten years older - but 'Warzone came out two years BEFORE White Fury! How quickly they grow up...or something like that. The legendary and excellent actor Joe Spinell is on hand, and his presence is much appreciated, but it's what we call a "sit-down" role. In other words, in many instances, from Mickey Rooney in Maximum Force (1992), to Henry Silva in Violent Breed (1984), to Spinell here (just to name a few), the movie production will hire a name actor to do some scenes over the course of a day or two, give or take. But all the actor's scenes are sitting down. They never leave their chair. It just kind of exposes the penury of a given production. Here Spinell gives his sit-down role, which is better than many of the other actors' more action based scenes, but the bottom line is the movie definitely could have used much more Spinell.

Another thing worth mentioning is the highly inappropriate music. Although the movie is set in 1960's Vietnam, a happy, upbeat, jaunty 80's synthpop song that sounds exactly like Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" blasts onto the soundtrack. I know it seems incredible, but it's true. What were they thinking? That being said, Steve McClintock's closing credits dirge "Shadow Of A Doubt" is catchy and one of the best things about Operation Warzone. You gotta hand it to AIP. Almost all their movies have at least one catchy, memorable, original song. It's really a fairly dependable thing. No matter how "bad" the movie is, at least there will be a song. When is someone going to release a CD, "AIP's greatest hits"? It would be amazing! Dumb on top of dumb on top of dumb, Operation Warzone is a misfire.

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