The 'Art' Here Is Somewhat Bleak
16 April 2011
'The Art of Travel' starts off on a promising note. I was under the impression that it was going to be a comedy travel-mockumentary. Even though the wedding sequence was over-the-top (such as Connor leaving photos under every guest's seat), it was funny. After that, begins his trip through South America. Though there are some clichés here, the humour is well maintained until the Darien Gap track.

Here the film takes a different turn. The pace slows down. The dialogues try to be philosophical but they end up only being one cliché after another. Once the sequence is over, the pace picks up but the film heads towards no particular direction except for a predictable conclusion. There is a funny little surprise twist in the end.

The cinematography is quite good. It beautifully captures the stunning South American landscapes. I also liked the whimsical soundtrack as it adds some charm.

The acting is decent. It's too bad that some of the actors are given poor lines to deliver. I thought the casting of Angelika Libera was a bit odd considering that the Anna character was a Czech girl and Libera talks with an accent that does not sound the least bit Czech. Her performance is otherwise very good.

'The Art of Travel' could have been an excellent entertaining travel-mockumentary had it stayed focused on the travel aspect of the story and avoided stereotype.
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