Tremendously Stupid!
22 April 2011
Steven Soderbergh has announced his retirement from filmmaking. Well, Steven, how can we miss you if you won't leave? Please do. Because, your filmmaking over the past decade has been a series of seriously lazy videotaped "movies" and awful "Ocean's Eleven" sequels.

Add to that, some of his films during his "prime" weren't so hot either. Case in point: "Underneath." This impossibly overwrought Southern Gothic nonsense is truly a joke. The characters here are all completely disposable. All they are in the film for is to be in an unending series of double crosses upon double crosses.

Peter Gallagher's character is someone who you could never feel an ounce of sympathy for. He is surrounded by not one, but two complete psychopaths who are portrayed by scenery-chewing non-actors.

Soderbergh was obviously embarrassed by this silliness as he used a pseudonym for his screen writing credit. Watch this and kiss an hour and half of your life goodbye!
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