The Apartment (1960)
This is a comedy?
28 April 2011
When it comes to movies people love to make lists of the best this and best that. You've probably seen The Apartment on plenty of best comedies lists. Which begs the question who ever decided this was a comedy? The Apartment isn't a bad movie but it's not a funny one. To even call it a comedy-drama would be a stretch as the comedy to drama ratio skews far, far away from the comedic side of things. There are no big laughs here. There are barely even any mild chuckles. Which again is not to say this is a bad movie. It's just that if all you know about The Apartment is that you've seen it on best comedies lists you are in for quite a surprise when you actually watch it. If you're in the mood for some lighthearted comedic amusement you have definitely come to the wrong film.

Our story follows office drone C.C. Baxter whose means of getting ahead in life is to loan out his apartment to higher-ups at his company for their extramarital trysts. The big boss, Mr. Sheldrake, gets wind of the arrangement and he wants in on the deal. Baxter gets a big promotion, Sheldrake gets a place to carry on with his latest in a string of office mistresses. Only this mistress, probably like all before her, is convinced that Sheldrake is going to divorce his wife to be with her. Fat chance. When she discovers the truth this supposed comedy, which really hasn't been funny at all to this point, takes a darker turn. At this point any hopes a viewer might have had for fun and laughs from one of the "best comedies ever" disappear.

And what of C.C. Baxter? He has his own connection with Sheldrake's mistress. Well, at least he'd like to. He's got a kind of hopeless schoolboy crush on her and when he discovers she's Sheldrake's girl his illusions are shattered. What's worse is that he knows Sheldrake's just using the girl but he dare not say anything. A guy's got to look out for his career you know? Eventually when, in a rather dire way, circumstances change Baxter may have to take a stand. Here at least the film picks up a bit of drama. Still looking for the comedy though.

Your enjoyment of The Apartment will likely be related to your expectations. If what you're expecting is a great comedy you're going to be disappointed. But if you know going in what it is you're getting yourself into there is much to appreciate. The best thing the film has to offer is the performance of Jack Lemmon as Baxter. It's a great portrayal of a hapless office schnook constantly being taken advantage of. People walk all over Baxter and you can't help but feel for the guy. Lemmon gives the character great heart. And whatever little moments of comedy there are come from him. He's a performer who knows how to draw out a smile from the viewer. Fred MacMurray as Sheldrake and Shirley MacLaine as the girl in the middle of it all are also quite good. Not as memorable as Lemmon perhaps but no quibbles with their performances. The quibbles come with the story itself and with the film's billing as a comedy. Initially the film looks like it's setting itself up for some funny, if tawdry, bed-hopping shenanigans. But the laughs never really come. And the story ultimately veers down some surprisingly dark paths. How this is considered a great comedy I'll never quite understand. Not a bad movie though for what it is.
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