Vampire Wars (1990 Video)
Very Interesting But Very Fast Paced
2 May 2011
SYNOPSIS: A CIA base in America is attacked by "vampires" which triggers a chain of events leading to our main character being mixed up in the battle between French & American agents to gain possession of a girl whose blood contains the answers to questions and solutions to problems. Intervening in the war is a vampire with his own agenda. Fighting off CIA agents, French agents, and a vampire, our hero is out to save the girl and possibly even the world.

I had this sitting in my queue of movies to watch and when it finally popped out at me to try it, I was hopeful of how it could turn out. A few minutes into the movie (I call it a movie but at a little under an hour, its really more like one episode of a TV show), I felt very confused. The story was moving along at seemingly breakneck pace for the first half of the movie and then finally the plot seemed to click into place. By the time it was over, I really wanted to see more of the story and was very disappointed by the quick and predictable ending.

"Vampire Wars" is an intriguing blend of action, horror, sci-fi, and drama that really leaves you wanting something more to come of the story. It really feels like once you become interested in a scene/plot line/character, things jump ahead. At one point in time, they even jump ahead in the story five days without so much as a wipe, text on the screen, or anything besides the character saying "I waited for 5 days when..."

SUMMARY: Interesting blend of several genres that really deserves more time to tell the tale. It'll leave you disappointed there's nothing more because its over before it really gets going.

6/10. Very cool and promising for something more, but too short to really show what it could be.
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