Most disappointing sequel ever
11 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st Hoodwinked movie will always be loved by me. It has good writing, sound, acting, and story. It is the tale of Little Red Riding Hood, mixed in with some crime drama, and it worked v....Huh? What's that? Oh god, the f**king sequel. Wow, what a disappointment. The problems? The story isn't as good, the writing is crap (expect many done-wrong references to much better movies), and various other problems! Let's start with the story. Basically, the HEA(Happily Ever After)Agency mentioned in the first movie turns out to be like the CIA of the Hoodwinked world. The heroes from the 1st movie (except Red, I'll get to that in a minute) are on a mission to save Hansel and Gretel from an evil witch. But they screw up, and Granny gets captured, even though, you know, she's capable of preventing that from happening to herself (yeah, a few of the characters' traits and personalities were changed for no reason). Now the HEA calls upon the help of Red, who's currently training in the mountains from Kung Fu Panda with the Sisters of the Hood. She fails the test given to her, and is given some bulls**t legend about a magical truffle, which, when eaten, makes the person unstoppable. It also turns out that the recipe for the truffle was stolen, and everyone freaks out. Some agents of the HEA come by and pick up Red to bring her to the HEA. By the way, we never see the Sisters of the Hood again, so you won't care about them. OK, screw it, I'm not talking about the story anymore, because I didn't care about it. I'll just say that the evil witch is not the main villain, but Hansel and Gretel are. One reviewer on here likes this twist, but she apparently didn't stop to think about how the hell that would work, because it doesn't make a lick of sense. Now the writing was "meh" to say the least, but the references just sucked. Though the worst of all, has to be the scene where Red finds a table that has the tools and ingredients needed to make the Magic Truffle. When Red tries to concentrate, her granny's words come to mind. Then, out of nowhere, we hear Obi-Wan say "Luke, use the Force." My god, that was painfully forced. Thankfully, the rest of the references aren't as bad, but they still suck. There are 3 other things I should mention. First, is that the billy goat from the 1st movie is here as well, except he's part of a running joke where he gets hurt by falling or being flattened. Guess how many times they repeat this joke? FIVE TIMES. That is LAZY. And it's not even funny. Second, as you watch the movie, you'll probably notice characters from the 1st movie. The problem? None of the main characters acknowledge their existence, even though they were important in the 1st movie. Third, if at all possible, DO NOT see this movie in 3D, because there's nothing remotely 3D in the movie that would make it worth paying a few extra bucks. Overall, Hoodwinked Too! sucks, though it's not god-awful (but it got there 10 times too many), as the action scenes range from decent to good. If you want some Hoodwinked!, go watch the 1st movie.
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