Crew of this film musically illiterate!
13 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm talking about you, especially, director Alex Merkin, because the "buck" stops at your desk. Certainly you know that Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata--one of the five most frequently used pieces of public domain soundtrack music in the million plus items making up IMDb's listings--is composed BY BEETHOVEN, and NOT by the late British pianist Sydney Dale, whom your movie's credits list as the composer of this tune, which makes up about half the soundtrack of ACROSS THE HALL. As director, it is your JOB to spot big goofs such as this, or insure that people are hired who can do so. No self-respecting film helmsman would allow the credits for his movie to say that Satan wrote the Bible, or list King George III as the first U.S. president. However, you allowed a goof tantamount to these to slip into your end credits. (Anyone with half an ear can tell Mr. Dale recorded this particular version of "Moonlight" during his Piccadilly Period, due to the rich corkiness in the bass notes.) Evidently, your pianist/soundtrack composer Bobby Tahouri just phoned in his efforts for ACROSS THE HALL, since either he was not closely associated enough or did not care enough to correct this monumental goof himself.

This movie COULD have rated a 9 or 10, but it's not over until the fat lady sings, as they say. You guys blew it with 12 seconds left in a movie running 1 hour, 33 minutes, and 11 seconds! Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Giving just a two-point deduction to something no doubt setting BOTH Mr. Beethoven and Mr. Dale spinning in their respective graves probably is being overly generous!
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