Funeral Home (1980)
What's Grandma Got In That Basement?
23 May 2011
Funeral Home is a Canadian produced film which was ripped off from Psycho in many ways. Good thing Alfred Hitchcock probably never saw this, he might have sued, but for defamation of art.

Kay Hawtrey's husband of many years who ran the local Funeral Parlor has up and disappeared and after months of fruitless search Kay's decided to turn the home into a bed and breakfast. But her guests have a nasty habit of disappearing. It's got law enforcement stumped.

Her granddaughter Lesleh Donaldson has come to help Grandma run the bed and breakfast. But she keeps hearing all these strange voices coming from the basement where Grandpa used to do his embalming. Maybe that might provide a clue to all the mystery.

It's more than a clue and if you've seen Psycho you know what's happening here. No doubt Hawtrey took lessons in hotel management from Norman Bates and his mother.

Canadian players generally unknown to American audiences are in the cast. The only two I was familiar with were Barry Morse who used to hunt Richard Kimble on The Fugitive and Harvey Atkin who is occasionally an arraignment judge on the various Law And Order shows. I hope their checks cleared the bank.

Alfred Hitchcock would not be flattered.
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