Bon Voyage (2006)
Suspend all Logic
24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A middle aged Dad and frustrated Mom head off to France for a camping driving trip in a vintage car. Now one has to ask the question as to why one would go on a long distance trip in a 33 year old car (as of the movie release in 2006). This choice of vehicle is especially true if one is not prepared to repair said vehicle. The Dad must like tinkering with cars. Guess what, the guy collects and restores them. But then they run into an overly friendly couple who first befriends them and then stalks them. Slowly, oh so slowly, the couple realise that the couple are after their kids. Fortunately, the stalkers are not that bright. But then, neither are the camping couple. Watching this min-series movie will lower your IQ.
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