Green Lantern (2011)
Great FANTASY movie!
21 June 2011
I was going to reply this to a person who was criticizing this movie with a number of objections, all based on its implausibility, but I figured my point of view would maybe help some people to make a decision whether they should support or turn their backs on a movie like Green Lantern. X-Men, the Avengers' movies (Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, etc.) and the new Batman movies (especially the Batman movies!) are strongly anchored in our reality, and that's a good thing, it gives credibility to the story and characters, taking away the burden from the spectator to suspend disbelief by showing everyday situations, locations and people as the basis of the fictional world where they then unleash the presence of a superhero. I love the movies mentioned above, but this is not the only way these movies can be done. This style appeals mostly to people who, like me, have gone through the totally fantastic worlds of the old superheroes movies and comic books, and now crave something more "mature". But what about our kids?? Why would we stole these superheros from them just for our enjoyment? I'm not saying that these new superheroes movies are not appropriate for young kids, I have kids and they love most of them, but they, as most kids I know have also mentioned, like those movies "in spite" of the "boring" parts. Now, we're talking about kids, from 6 to 11 years old, so don't be to harsh on their concept of "boring parts". I remember how I loved "Flash Gordon" in the 80's, and "Superman II". "Tron" was the best because, after some 30 minutes of "boring" "real-world", the whole movie was set in a fantasy world, just like "The Dark Crystal" or "The Beastmaster". That's what "Green Lantern" brings now: a sense of FANTASY without sacrificing it for the sake of making it more gritty, or realistic. Yes, of course it has real-world scenes, but the movie doesn't linger in them in an effort to make you feel that this is real; it just so happens that the characters live in this world, but the important parts are when Green Lantern appears or when his world with all the "funny looking" aliens make an appearance. That's what other movies don't dare to do so they can appeal to older audiences. The sad thing is that they forget about the young ones (or the young at heart ones), and this movie proves that a movie with more fantastic elements than logic can stand still make a great movie for old and young. I'm not saying that Green Lantern is a "kids movie"; what I'm saying is that Green Lantern is a superhero action movie that doesn't shy away from its own fantasy, and that's what makes it great.
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