Fun, despite being a little obvious
23 June 2011
'The Paranoids' is an indie film from Argentina about two friends who are scriptwriters. Luciano is extremely passive and fearful, and is struggling both socially and professionally, while Manuel is a more aggressive and typically 'successful' guy. It is a source of tension that the latter one has created a TV series based on the former one, without first consulting with him. But it is an attractive girl, named Sofia, who most affects the dynamics of their friendship. This is one of those stories where the audience find themselves rooting for the underdog.

The film is fairly watchable, although it could use a little more subtlety and character development (especially for Manuel and Sofia). The photography is nice and the soundtrack is a very cool collection of rock and electronic music, likely from Argentina. 'The Paranoids' reminds me a bit of 'Reality Bites', which has a similarly hip, MTV feeling, only this one has a distinct Latin American urban flavor.
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