Review of Tron

Tron (1982)
Innnovative. Can't Believe Someone Thought Of All This!
11 July 2011
This movie's all too misunderstood! It's amazing that someone thought of a world in a computer! Some people hat the idea, some think this movie botched it. I disagree with both. I say, Let Tron be Tron and Gone with the Wind be Gone with the Wind, for gosh sake! And lighten up! I loved something I read online saying that it was pleasant surprise that Disney came up with something this cool! And I don't see how Tron was "a shame to Disney." Even as a writer myself, I still don't see why every damn movie has to be a complex character study.

I still watch this movie with an unprecendented sense of surrealism, and that's enough for me. It's one movie Roger Ebert and I actually agree about. I'm glad he shows it at Ebert Con or whatever it's called. It's actually impressive for a film critic.

Whatever flaws tron has, it's also got its assets, like some degree of originality. Plus, it was even more of a breath of fresh air at a time when horny teen movies were all the rage LOL.
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