I can't imagine Australians actually liked this garbage. Why should the rest of the world be subjected to it?
14 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
An Australian crime drama that resembles a series of one act plays that get progressively worse as they go along, Get Rich Quick is visually energetic and that's about all it has going for it. None of the actors get a chance to do anything but mouth poorly written dialog and since this thing is from Down Under, that dialog is occasionally unintelligible. It's supposed to be one of those stories where all these disparate threads come together in an explosive ending, but the threads are all badly frayed and the ending is as combustible as a wet rag in a hurricane.

The film starts out with an insecure gambler who dies of autoerotic asphyxiation, segues to a neverending scene about the gross phoniness of modern art, pitches over to a take off on those funniest home video TV shows, veers off into a tale of a trusting German tourist and an indecisive drug addict before finally winding down by splicing together a meditation on Bonnie and Clyde with an international conspiracy to fix a cricket match. Topping it all off are the intermittent appearances of a computer generated midget with a green top hat and a Hitler mustache.

As I review the preceding paragraph, I fear I've made Get Rich Quick appear too appealing, like it's some sort of zany, trippy voyage into low budget Aussie cinema. Well, it is low budget and Aussie, but this movie stinks like a 3 week old shrimp on the barbie. The only character on screen long enough to even try and be something more than a stereotype is a moronic junkie who starts stupid, continues stupid and ends stupid. The most commonly used words in the script are "a", "the" and "f**k". There's no nudity and the violence is staged about as well as the sword fights in a junior high rendition of Hamlet.

I can't imagine Australian audiences had much interest in Get Rich Quick. The rest of the globe should follow their example.
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