Fails in every level, God can't even save this
16 July 2011
I don't even know where to began.

Every time when I'm watching a movie or a show on TV, I don't really give a damn about the acting, I don't care how good it is, or how bad it is, I just want to be entertained, but the Acting in "The rose of Guadalupe" is the the worst acting I ever seen, I seen drama clubs perform better, Its like every Character shifts from a happy over lighted character, to an over reacting whiner, People don't talk like that, period.

Secondly, my parents & aunts notice that I watch to many horror films, Horror films that aren't main stream, but I can escape from, such as Martyrs, The Descent, Inside Rec, Audition, Etc, & every time my family tells me something like "Man, your wrong in the head, stop watching to much of that crap because you'll go crazy, instead watch something beautiful the rose of Guadalupe" & thats when I go off, I tell them Watching The Rose of Guadalupe is like Watching an Abortion, Blood does not make a bad movie, TERRIBLE writing does. Just because a story has a "& they lived happily ever after" ending, that does NOT Make it a good film or TV show, because thats totally unrealistic, & thats what this show does, even when this show has problems, like kidnapping someone, or killing someone, or even getting into fights, its totally unrealistic, especially how the characters talk, they are way to cocky, way to enthusiastic, way too fake, NO ONE in the world is as happy as the characters hear, or as stupid.

I am Catholic, I go to church, I read the bible, I did my first communion, I will always believe in the virgin Marry, BUT, I don't believe shes the clown that is shown in this program. There is no such thing as fairy tales, & thats what they do in this program, everything shown in this program is FAKE, not the situations but the way its acted, the way its going, its all fake, this is something kids should see because it fails in every level, it acts like a program for kids. In reality, YOU gotta do things on your own, if your daughter gets kidnapped, praying wont get her back, its good to pray to have hope to keep you going, but you need to do everything you can, on YOUR own, help yourself, because no one will magically bring her back to you.

Also, its very pathetic how they try to imitate modern situations, such as Homosexuals, online Chatting, kidnapping, pregnancy, even schools, & they try to do it there own way. I remember seeing an episode called "El Secreto" about a gay who was "Gay" & at the end, he has sex with a girl, & he "Magically" became straight.....Okay, whoever said Being gay was a choice is WRONG, being gay just means your attracted to the same sex, thats it, it never changes the same person you were before, even if that kid was gay & he slept with a girl, that does NOT magically turn him straight, he wouldn't even like it, because its not in his nature, thats who he is. Also, when they have online chats, they try to make it seem like FaceBook, like they check in on it, every 5 minutes, & act like they don't got a life, especially teens, as a teen myself, that is not how people "chat" especially online. Also, when they do the kidnappings, the kidnappers kidnap the victim right in the middle of the street, where its opened to everyone watching...Like WOW. Also, I saw this episode, where a girls best friend slept with her best friends dad, & she got pregnant, 2 days later, & her belly look like she was about 8 months pregnant, AND the girl still had her friends with her....That is NOT how it works, when a girl becomes pregnant, all her friends hate her because they think shes a Slu+. & The bad guys shown in here are just bad guys, like they were Born bad guys & they rough in jail, it never shows them having any sympathy or remorse, they just aren't important characters in this show.

Overrall, Religion is a big deal, & in this show, they just use it to give incorrect hope to viewers, & its Sick that people are actually buying it, this is just Justin Bieber for adults, quite possibly the worst show ever made, next to Glee, I hate how unreal & pathetic everything shown in here is.

Also whats with the rose? It never explains its origin, just that it comes from the virgin marry, & then its gone after the problems are solved. Is it suppose to be a good luck charm, because if it is, why doesn't Japan get one?
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