Mohawk (1956)
A Dumber-Than-Dumb Romance, Mohawk-Style
4 August 2011
Mohawk has got to be one of the corniest cornball movie-romances ever. When it comes to "love" stories, Mohawk's contrivances border, at times, on the downright laughable.

Set in the mid-1800s at Fort Alden (a remote army post in Texas), Johnathon Adams (a hack-artist and full-time womanizer who's presently juggling 2 gorgeous babes) falls (if you can believe this) head-over-heels for a Pocahontis-type, Iroquois beauty named Onida. With her clear, blue eyes (yes, blue) and decidedly Caucasian features, you can well-bet that Onida's cover-girl looks only add to the already escalating absurdity of Mohawk's flimsier-than-flimsy story.

If you can believe it - Not even when war breaks out between the whites and the redskins does this truly cornball romance between Johnathon and Onida lose its demented intensity or pale even a fraction.


As an added bonus that hinges on the ridiculous - Mohawk contains numerous scenes where one minute it's daytime and the next moment it's nightfall - or - Often enough, one minute the skies are perfectly clear and then, presto, clouds dominate the entire heavens.

Anyways - If you're bored and looking for a laugh, or two, check out Mohawk.
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