Mad Men: Blowing Smoke (2010)
Season 4, Episode 12
Uncertain future
5 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Don Draper is seen talking to Raymond Geiger, an executive of Heinz, an account the agency is trying to represent. The man is impressed with Don's idea. The company has been split in two divisions, Mr. Geiger is not connected to the more popular ketchup, his area deals with all the bean products. Despite the good rapport Don is told there is no deal as the man tells Don he does not know if the agency is going to be around in six months.

The partners meet with their adviser, Geoff Atherton, who has brought to them an idea about a new cigarette Phillip Morris is targeting to women. He feels the agency does well in this area, so he promises to get them a chance to compete. The partners are reminded by Lane about the loans they are trying to secure from a bank. Each senior man is supposed to contribute 100,000 dollars, while he and Pete Campbell must come with 50,000 each. Pete is horrified since he does not have the money. Geoff returns with bad news, the cigarette account goes to Leo Burnett.

Sally has been seeing Dr. Edna, the child psychiatrist. She has done remarkably well. Dr. Edna wants to try to see Sally once a week because of this reason. Betty, on the other hand, feels like talking to her, something the doctor reminds her she cannot do because she only treats children. Sally has been sneaking out to meet Glen Bishop, the boy that has been banished from her house. Betty catches Sally going to the place where she goes to see Glen. Getting out of the car, she takes her daughter home.

With the rejection from Philip Morris, Don decides to write a full page ad in the New York Times citing the reasons his agency will not have anything to do with any tobacco related business. Everyone has seen the paper. Don had received a lot of phone calls. One in particular gets his attention, it is from senator Robert Kennedy, something he realizes is a joke from Ted Chaough, a rival from another agency. Things around the office get extremely uncomfortable as Don and the other members of the board begin the firings. The personnel is all concerned if they will have a job. Don begins to call people to his office to notify them personally.

Don meets Midge one day as he is going home. She tells him the reason for her being there was to show some of her drawings to a company in the building. Midge is interested in showing Don her recent paintings. As they arrive at her apartment, she introduces her husband who tries to sell Don her "No. 4" painting. The man offers to make dinner and Don gives him a ten dollar bill. Midge proceeds to tell him her man is going to have a fix with the money. Trying to give her a check for the picture, Midge rejects it. Instead, Don gives her all the cash he has with him, leaving him with nothing to take a taxi home. Midge suggests he walks through the park.

Phil Abrahams directed the episode. Erin Levy is credited as having written the screenplay. The atmosphere about the agency going under is well documented. There are not many options, or avenues to explore. The idea of losing good workers is also another point this chapter makes. It is a sad time for everyone concerned. The New York Times ad turns most of the people against Don. Despair is in the air. This was another good episode in the 2010 season that sadly will end soon.
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