Review of Alphas

Alphas (2011–2012)
Absolutely brilliant as some Indigo children are showing
7 September 2011
"I am the Alpha and Omega." Ever thought what this ancient writing content held?

Syfy, you have taken a bold step in t.v. broadcasting story form. How? For those waiting for what 2012 will take this world into, this show can be considered an insight to the end of present Piscean Age, that year and the beginning of whole Aquarius, where that world will have what these characters are portrayed common place. Right now, most such people become as the recent episode Summer Glau guest starred, trying to rid herself of power crazed people after her gift to exploit and toddler daughter character crayoning esoteric mathematics symbolizing what an incarnation here CAN remember from the spirit world where EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

Sound crazy reader? Review earth's ancient past, to the present we are, has highly forgotten how this world has been reduced presently to myth, legend, folklore because apathy/dark powers do NOT want all humans to know their gifts as t.v. production is able to technically create for us such Hollywood magic does. Note these characters are recluse?

Again thank you Syfy because this is a courageous production in what entertains we who look for more than meager, mindless, story telling. Take a bow.
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