You Cannot Possibly Fai! to Love This Film?
10 September 2011
My wife and I went to an evening showing of this film, and were supremely pleased and entertained. The small auditorium in which the film was shown was approximately 1/2 full. Suffice to say, the roars and yuks from the attendees filled and overflowed the venue.

Exceptional dialog, with outstanding supporting cast, make this film beyond wonderful. For "A" list performers to accept supporting roles v. demanding starring roles speaks volumes to the story, the writers, producers/directors, and the film itself. They were all good sports.

Each actor made their fine individual contributions, for the greater good. In my opinion, Jennifer Aniston was the REAL star. Her delightfully-decadent character and portrayal of the Depraved Dentist was delightful. She played it to the hilt, and was very convincing. I admit to arousal in virtually all of her scenes. She has never been more beautiful, more sexy, more sensual. I'm confident she had great fun making this film.

Kevin Spacey was exactly who/what I expected him to be. He can take a role - any role - and truly make it his own. He genuinely was a boss you would "want to take out!" My wife and I will likely see this film again. If you're prepared for some ribald humor and sexual titillation, as well as amazing humor, by all means see this film.
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