last half-hour very enjoyable after disappointing first half-hour
15 October 2011
Most movies garner your interest in the beginning. You are intrigued and wonder how things will work out. That is the easy part. The difficult part is how to solve the puzzle, put the pieces together in an entertaining and clever way. Therefore, the conclusions of most movies fall apart.

"Count Three and Pray" reversed this. The first half-hour was maddening slow, boring, clichéd and predictable. It was also unrealistic as would-be preacher Heflin went about building a church building and congregation from scratch -- what with no money, friends and a hostile community. I was ready to fast-forward to the end, but didn't.

The last half-hour was marvelous, though. It moved along quickly. The problems and solutions were unexpected and clever. It was heart-warming, believable and even somewhat religious. Gave me a good feeling. I recommend this to single adults and entire families.
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