Jesus WAS A COMMIE - interesting not only in content, but also in it's unique format
23 October 2011
Jesus WAS A COMMIE – a movie by Matthew Modine, was particularly interesting to me due to the fact that I was raised by a half catholic half Buddhist mom. In my view, Matthew's argument is that Jesus was a communist because of the way that he spread the idea that all people are the same and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Matthew talks about how Jesus revolution completely changed the way people thought and how it opened up theirs hearts to love and forgiveness. He talks about the fact that Jesus was able to change people without the use of force or any kind of violence.The movie does not talk about the politics of religion but rather seems to focus on Jesus and other spiritual leaders and how their teachings are similar to the communist philosophy. I was brought up going to church and learning about Jesus teachings, but mom had a way of making it all make sense to my brother's and I by giving the catholic ideology a little Buddhist spin. I like how Matthew's movie gives a solid meaning to its concept and it does it in an engaging and innovative way.

I thought Jesus WAS A COMMIE was very interesting not only in content, but also in it's unique format. A great narrative over beautiful layers of footage and graphics.
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