Heavy Times (2010)
awkward? well yeah, isn't that the point?
17 November 2011
I just came back from a local screening in late 2011 with some of the cast in the audience. Having heard in advance "low-budget indie gross-out road trip comedy" and "Hangover for irreverent GenY-ers", I was expecting a grainy picture and such amateurish filming I couldn't sit through it all the way. But out of curiosity I went to my local theater anyway. Unlike what I expected, I found that the writing, acting, and filming were all first-rate; the result looks something that might have come out of Hollywood just a couple decades ago.

The "Rick" character is so over-the-top I couldn't decide if I wanted to be in on the joke or to puke. Gross-out it is indeed, but a sophisticated kind of gross-out; you won't mistake this for Animal House. The cleverness of the dialog with which insults are delivered is something I've never heard before. If that dialog were aimed at me, I'd just go looking for a rock to climb under. The dialog will make fine sense to twenty-somethings, but may seem almost impenetrable to an older generation.
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