It's not for you, it's for the morons
25 November 2011
I think everyone knows about this film by now. Critics hated it, audiences stayed away in their millions, and when the British Film Council was abolished recently, one of the main sticks used to beat its corpse with was its financing of this movie.

I thought it couldn't be that bad. I thought it must have some redeeming value. Some funny moments, at least. I was so, so wrong. If anything, the critics were too kind to this unfunny, putrid pile of steaming faecal matter.

Ah, but it's not for you, is the reply. It's not meant for people who can string a sentence together, or do sums, or walk upright. This one's for the idiots, who just like something simple, a good old-fashioned chuckle at some sexual shenanigans. If you don't like it, it's because you're an intellectual snob. This is the modern equivalent of a Carry On film, just harmless, smutty fun.

Except it isn't, and I hope the film's defenders are haunted by the vengeful ghost of Hattie Jacques for even mentioning Carry On in the same breath as this... thing. The Carry On films were funny, at least every so often. They had these old-fashioned things called 'jokes' which were designed to make you 'laugh'. Someone needs to explain these concepts to the people responsible for making this movie, because they clearly have no idea what those things are.

This is a movie that expects you to laugh at the idea of a threesome - with 2 guys and a girl! At a man who has a big penis! At Johnny Vegas getting drunk and singing! These things are funny by themselves, apparently. They must be, because I was clearly expected to laugh at them.

A lowbrow sex comedy ought to be funny, at least. If it can't be funny (and good God, this cannot be anything in the same county as funny), then it can at least be sexy. Sadly, unless you find Johnny Vegas and Mackenzie Crook to be gorgeous hunks of manhood, this ain't very sexy either. It's a dead loss, a worthless waste of time that will even disappoint the gibbons who are its intended audience.
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