The Muppets (2011)
"The Muppets" is a family film in the purest sense of the word
27 November 2011
Like many people, the Muppets were a big part of my childhood. I watched Sesame Street in the morning, Muppet Babies in the afternoon, and Muppet Show reruns in the evening. The Muppets are a national institution in the United States and beloved the world over. As most know, they came from the mind of Jim Henson. Henson's sense of humor was that perfect balance of the crass and the innocent, the surreal and real, the sly and the whimsical. He knew how to entertain kids and adults simultaneously, an uneasy feat most in the film and television industry can't master. In short, Henson knew how to make family entertainment. That's why the vast majority of products worked and remain staples in American culture two decades after his death.

After Henson died, the Muppet name didn't hold the same weight. Henson's presence was missing in the Muppets' last full length feature "Muppets in Space" and it showed. For a decade, the Muppets were virtually out of sight and, barring die hard fans, out of mind. Then in 2009, the Muppets went viral with their rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody and re-entered the consciousness of the general public. With 20 million hits plus, the video was an obvious smash but it was only a lead up to a new full-length feature, released two year to the day of the Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody video.

By the time I put my money down and got my ticket, I knew the film was in good hands. I've seen many of the aforenamed videos on YouTube and that wry, yet goofy, Muppet-esque humor was there. I knew if the same people involved with the video made the film, it was going to be a treat.

The film's main protagonist is Walter, a puppet living in a human world. His brother, Gary (played by co-writer Jason Segal) has always been there for him. The two are close to the point of borderline codependency and even well into their thirties, they've lived under the same roof. Walter is a full blown fan of the Muppets, and has been since his adolescence.

At the same time, Gary is in a very, very long term relationship with school teacher Mary (played by Amy Adams) who longs for the day when Gary finally proposes and cuts the emotional, inch-long chord binding Gary and his brother. Their relationship is further strained when Gary brings Walter along with him and Mary on a trip to Los Angeles, a trip that was supposed to be a romantic getaway for Gary and Mary. Gary and Mary take Walter on a trip to, what Gary considers, hallowed ground: the Muppet Studios. What was once a small, though busy, film studio has since become a dump since the Muppets went their separate ways. While sneaking into Kermit's old office, Gary learns that an oil baron plans on tearing down the lot and digging for that sweet, sweet black gold. The three vacationers find the residence of a certain Kermit the Frog. After Walter, Gary and Mary explain the situation to Kermit (and a lovely musical number) the plucky little frog sets out to find his friends and save a place they once called home.

The film is filled with so many celebrity cameos, sight-gags, sneaky jokes, and solid musical numbers that ranged from hilarious to touching, it would take more than the allotted 1000 word limit to explain it all. Then again, isn't that was a Muppet movie is all about? The pacing is quick and the run time is short, and yet the characters were able to develop beautifully. The movie routinely broke the fourth wall and made numerous references to pop culture, but didn't force jokes as other family films are wont to do. The Muppets even had a few good laughs at themselves through the film and yet they reminded the audience of what made them such a beloved entity. It was obvious Jim Henson's hand was over "The Muppets" (and if one looks carefully, they will see Henson's face in the movie twice). This film is a gem of this autumn/winter season and is a must see for Muppet fanatics and newbies alike.
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