Overall, good movie
4 December 2011
After viewing the film, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. The acting was very good, I especially enjoyed the performance done by Sharon Garnier. The scene was put together really nicely and the shots had significance. The two actors dynamic was on point, it did seem as though they were father and daughter who hadn't had the best relationship. It was a little cheesy and seemed to go too fast for a real connection though, the emotion was portrayed well by the actors but it seemed almost like a soap opera shot. The film seemed to move very quickly, and it was hard to make a complete connection with the story and the characters, but seeing that it was a short film I do believe that they did a good job with this problem. The sound effects were nicely placed, the sound of the typewriter was very clear even when the camera was inside and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The sound of the crickets in the background when they were talking was very fitting and added to the mood of the film. Overall, I enjoyed the film and thought that it provoked deep emotions that are connectible to anyone.
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