Pro Football (1934)
A Must See for Football Buffs
5 December 2011
Pro Football (1934)

*** (out of 4)

Entertaining Pete Smith short has the 1933 NFL Champions Chicago Bears on hand to show some special plays that they do doing their games. In typical Smith fashion, the football plays are all silent and we just get his narration over the footage, although we do get a few sound effects to show some of the silly defenders falling on the ground. Overall this is a must-see for fans of football because you get to see so many legendary older players from the early days of the NFL. Bronko Nagurski, Carl Brumbaugh, Jack Manders, Harold Grange, Gene Ronzani and William Lyman are just a few of the players who show up. While it's great seeing these people it's also fun just seeing how football was played back in this era. Of course the biggest different are the uniforms including the helmets, which would have people getting killed weekly in today's league. Another interesting change is of course the white ball and the wooden goal posts sitting pretty much in the playing field. The plays that the Bears demonstrate are all pretty entertaining including one incredibly, behind-the-back pass that is among the greatest passes I've ever seen. Smith, as you'd expect, does a nice job with the narration and even manages to get a couple nice laughs out of the material.
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