Tense and confrontational, full tilt action
14 December 2011
Best enjoyed on the big screen, a very big screen if you choose to accept it, an in form Tom Cruise returns as Agent Ethan Hunt. Forced to go rogue to clear his name after an international incident at the Kremlin, he's set up as the culprit. Plot holes aside, this is a sweeping high tech adventure with the teams visit to Dubai the standout seeing Tom dangling off the worlds tallest building with a sandstorm moving his way. Globetrotting edge of your seat moments are truly breathtaking. The Incredibles director Brad Bird proves he can manage live action and ramps it up a few extra notches to prove his point. Put your reservations of Tom Crusie off screen aside, he rocks without flinching that edge at any stage. Paula Patton looks magnificent and Simon Pegg provides some comic relief, however the trailers make you think this is funnier than it is. M.I.4 is thundering excitement. Ving Rhames cameos.
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