Finding Joe (2011)
21 December 2011
I hadn't heard of Joseph Campbell prior to seeing "Finding Joe" but after watching the movie, and being inspired, I'm looking more closely at his work. His quotes resonant with me on a spiritual and intellectual level. There are quite a few that stand out like: "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." "It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." And "Follow your bliss," which is a staple of the documentary. The film's incredible message is perpetuated by these quotes and commentary by a wide variety of professionals and others inspired by Joseph Campbell's teachings. Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Akiva Goldsman, Catherine Hardwicke and Tony Hawk are just a few of the people who offer their insight into the hero's journey.

On a technical level, the film is beautiful. The cinematography is breath-taking. Each shot was clearly calculated and executed. For a documentary, the resolution is astounding. So it was aesthetically pleasing to watch "Finding Joe." The running metaphor of a separate narrative was also very clever and well-executed.

On a more personal level, I really connected with the film and its message. It's one of those movies that ignites epiphanies, because everyone can relate to the film's concept. All of the speakers in the film act as mentors and the audience members are mentees. The people in the film expand on Joseph Campbell's philosophies and in doing so relay the message that everyone needs to hear: "Follow your bliss." Joseph Campbell was an extraordinary man who continues to inspire people and, with the help of this documentary, will continue to inspire people.
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