Puss in Boots (2011)
1/2 Original
29 December 2011
I say 1/2 original as during Shrek the cat had its own personality but during this movie I could see a huge amount of similarities between the cat and Zorro (The mask of Zorror (1998)) which spoilt the movie for me as the cat didn't have its own personality. Rather more of a rip off / cop out from the writers. But on the other hand there were some really good quotes and funny moments in the film, as well as adding characters from other fairy tales with their own little twist just like Shrek. Which made up for the film. I did like the film and find out how the cat started from being just a cat to being Puss in Boots.Though the ending was a little confusing. It's a bit of a metaphor but I don't think it was needed as it didn't make sense.
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