The Royal Bodyguard (2011–2012)
The Only Bad Script Jason Has Accepted
1 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
David Jason is arguably the best UK TV actor ever. Whether it is comedy like Only Fools & Horses and Porterhouse Blue, or hard hitting dramas like Frost and All The King's Men, Jason's acting is impeccable.

He has, or had, a knack of selecting just the right scripts to show off his perfect acting ability.

Sadly, in the case of The Royal Bodyguard this knack appears to have eluded him.


David Jason plays the part of Captain Guy Hubble, an ex soldier, who, after saving the Queen's life by stopping her runaway carriage was given the post of The Royal Bodyguard. It was Hubble's fault the horses stampeded in the first place.

I must say this scene I thought was quite funny.


From there on what promised to be a typical Jason comedy series started to go down hill and if the first episode is anything to go by the series will continue to falter.

True I have only seen the first episode and because I love Jason as an actor I will continue to watch the series in the hope it will improve although I don't hold out much hope.


In the first episode Jason (Hubble) was employed to secure the Queen's safety at a conference, because he had saved the Queen's life.

The whole of the Government department responsible for the Queen's safety hate Hubble and want him replaced because of his total incompetence.

Of course that did not happen because through his incompetence he saved the life of the Queen yet again.


All through the thirty minute episode it was no more than a sequence of slapstick and farce. The plot and dialogue was totally forgettable, in fact it was thinner than a sheet of paper.

This series gives the impression that it was written after the author had seen Johnny English.

Johnny English was much better and much more enjoyable, probably because Rowan Atkinson who played English is perfect in this type of role, and if they had cast Atkinson in the part of Guy Hubble I have a feeling I would have thoroughly enjoyed The Royal Bodyguard, especially if they had named the main character Bean, the character Rowan Atkinson is most famous for.

I am so sorry Sir David but as much as I admire you as possibly Britains greatest TV actor I feel you have made a great mistake in choosing the role of Guy Hubble in this series.

Unless there is a drastic improvement in the next 5 episodes I really cannot see a second series.

I have given this first episode a 3 star rating simply because I love David as an actor and did enjoy the first scene.


Since writing the above review I have watched the complete first series and I owe David Jason a big apology.

Each episode became more and more enjoyable and in the end I was sorry to see the first series end.

Have no fears though The Royal Bodyguard is coming back for another series very soon.

Once again I hope David will accept my apologies.
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