Sam gets married!
1 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Here is what I think Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin had in mind writing this episode, "Why not tease some fan girls by making one of the boys, aka Sam, get married and have him say some romantic crap and act utterly weird, then have him tied pantless to a bed, While doing a crossroads daemon episode, I bet the fan girls would start screaming to the fantasy"

OK I can't deny I liked the idea of one of the guys getting married, I even laughed at Sam's out of character bizarre behaviour, Jared seemed to have fun doing that, Plus I think that loop hole daemon idea was clever and I loved the exploding wedding cake title card.

But still I can't even get my self to like this episode for 4 main reasons:

1- Becky, I think adding a character like Becky was nice but for only once, then the writers decided to bring her back on season five's "The Real Ghostbusters" again, OK this I could still handle, but bringing her for the third time! No, that is too much. I don't know what the writers are trying to tell us through this very annoying character? Becky is a pathetic loser who drugged and kidnapped Sam, She also did the ultimate mistake by trying to separate the brothers and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? and is this the way the writers see the fans? Are we that pathetic to them? I remember asking the same question on "The Real Ghostbusters" and then I told myself this is the creators idea to poke fun about everything even fans, but it should have been a one time show and I totally can't stand characters like her any more. So please Supernatural creators be smart about it and end this stupid actions.

2- I liked DJ Qualls. Garth was an extraordinary character, he was just different from most hunters we got to see on the show who were mostly dicks. (Add him to the list of weird people Bobby Knows!) But I don't understand why Dean needed his help in the first place and why bring such a talent to be wasted. Garth didn't add anything to the case and he missed all the action later.

3- So Crowley is now talking about integrity! Yeah right! Since I only recall last season when he refused to return Bobby's soul by manipulating the terms of the contract. Integrity! You just got to be kidding.

4- Finally, I always liked the brotherly heart to heart by the car and I even said that their relationship is getting more mature and I made that point clearly on how they dealt with each other last episode but this episode really feels like a regression. First, For Dean to let his brother go with the so called bride was very stupid and felt unreal, because for someone who is supposed to know his little brother more than anything he should have suspected Sam was under some kind of spell and focus more on saving his brother even if that meant spying on him (He did that for Bobby before for God's sake!) especially that he knows Sam (even if he was that new well adjusted Sam) would never do the "life is too short crap" and marry someone like Becky and especially Becky! Ugh! Second, The talk in the end about how Sam doesn't need Dean to worry about him was overdone and we heard that talk before so so so many times and Sam, Please you know your brother's only job is to care for you, and judging by the look that was on Dean's face, he doesn't even know how to care for himself, so stop asking him for things he can't do. Dean's existence revolves around caring about others, so where are we supposed to get from the talk? is the bond getting stronger or weaker? I'm confused and angry.
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