Review of Desi Boyz

Desi Boyz (2011)
One of the worst big budget attempts of 2011 with some good music.
2 January 2012
Once I asked a friend of mine about his choice of career in the coming days. He was the son of a successful hotelier with two big hotels in the city. In answer to my question he replied, "From my heart, I want to do something related to books or publishing but if nothing works out then there is always my father's business to join in anytime".

I just remembered his words after the end credits of DESI BOYZ started rolling with the caption - Directed by Rohit Dhawan (son of David Dhawan). The point I wish to make here is that it really seems to be very easy for a Star-Director's son to make his first hugely weak film with all the big stars, but how extremely difficult it is for a talented young director to get his first such directorial break without any family backing in the industry. And the film itself proves my point since it gives you only one question to think after its over that,…………. What was this?

Written around the plot of two unemployed friends (Akshay & John), DESI BOYZ is a pretty bad attempt to make an enjoyable BHELPURI by putting so many elements into it which in-turn results in an utterly distasteful dish. It starts from talking about Recession and Unemployment leading to the profession of GIGOLO adopted by the two heroes. The concept of GIGOLO is only added to bring in some extra, controversial pull in the project as it is neither shown nor exploited properly in the film. In fact using the sex-plot in such a shying way is just like wishing to take a bath in the swimming pool without taking off your clothes.

In addition, as a typical Bollywood film, an innocent kid and his judicial custody angle is thrown in, just to fulfill the emotional requirement of a Hindi Film which doesn't work at all. Another veteran senior (Sanjay Dutt) comes in a special appearance as the owner of that GIGOLO firm, degrading himself and his good image. A beautiful girl (Deepika) is right there like a sweet-item on the dinner table since you cannot make a Bollywood film without them. The girl even has a funny father (Anupam Kher) who fulfills the post of a supporting comedy artist with his reputed name. Further some silly jokes and hardly hilarious sequences are forcibly stuffed in its script to complete its first half which regrettably makes you take a look at your watch/phone at least 10 times.

Post intermission DESI BOYZ goes worst from bad with many bizarre kind of inclusions like Akshay taking admission to a College in his over-age. To give him company he even has a lady professor (Chitrangdha) who luckily was his own classmate in the good old college days. So here comes another beautiful lady to entertain you with her great looks, good for nothing. On the other side of this college romance, John is busy pleasing his girl by taking a shelter in front of her house with the help of her funny father. And frankly you can easily fast forward or edit out this unwanted part of the movie as it has nothing to contribute or entertain in any manner whatsoever.

To end it on an emotional note, a more weird kind of Courtroom scene is staged for the child's custody, wherein Sanjay Dutt enters as if its his own playground, gives a speech and then returns at his own will, while the honorable judge keeps waiting for him to come and go just like that.

In the acting department, instead of commenting upon their performance I would humbly like to ask a few questions from the cast as given below:

Akshay Kumar - Do you ever read the script of your movies and see the rushes midway to have an idea of what is being made around your reputed name for the countless fans? And Do you understand that we all are simply waiting for a BIG HIT coming from you from so long?

John Abraham - Why did you do this film or Was your role edited out at a later stage? Because frankly you are simply doing nothing in the film as per your current status or fame.

Deepika & Chitrangdha - The choice of project really doesn't match the off-screen intelligence and persona of both the ladies as they are not given much to do in the script apart from wearing some cool outfits. I had no great expectations from Deepika but 'Why you opted for this, Chitrangdha?', when you only had to enter post interval just to add some more glamour in the film or Was this also a shock for you after its release (The way they treated you in it)?

Anupam Kher & Sanjay Dutt – We would love to see you in some respectable and well written roles please!

Omi Vaidya – Avoid repeating the Chatur accent in every film as it will be great to see some new variation coming from you.

Direction wise, it evidently looks like a first attempt, but I would still like to congratulate Rohit for his hard work and efforts. However there is lot to learn and achieve for the young entrant and luckily he has got one of the best teachers in his own house as his father, David Dhawan.

In all, Who proves to be the Real DESI BOY here in the film? Its undoubtedly, PRITAM, the music director who at least gives us something to enjoy in this otherwise sheer waste of time. And the Soundtrack surely can be rated much better than the whole film itself.

So, is it watchable? Yes, you can watch DESI BOYZ, in case there is a delay in your train or flight and the bookstore at the station has left with only Biscuits to sell in the shop.
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