Review of Limitless

Limitless (I) (2011)
This film has no limit to it's amazement.
5 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now let me just say, Bradley Cooper is one of those actors who gets the same amount of responses as Shia LaBeouf. You either love him or hate him. They have some good films, and some bad ones. And I do think that the two of them are good actors. Plus, Cooper is an actor that no matter what film he's in, I can find some enjoyment out of him. I mean, have you SEEN Hangover? But I digress. Let's talk about Bradley Cooper's movie, Limitless. Now, when this movie came out in theaters, I wasn't really that interested in seeing it, because it didn't look like my kind of movie. And unfortunately, I was wrong. This movie's pretty good.

Limitless is the story of Eddie Morra, who's trying to get his book selling and his career straight, after his girlfriend just dumped him. After acquiring a certain drug, he's able to boost his focus by tenfold, and try to pull his life back into order. But due to this, he's gets into a certain conflict, where the people around him are threatened, and needs a way to get out of the mess he's gotten himself into. The movie gives off a pretty good Inception vibe, on the fact that you really need to pay attention to it, and it really has some good action with it.

Cooper plays Eddie, and gives a good performance throughout the film as he does with others. Robert DeNiro plays Carl, Eddie's boss, and gives it the typical Robert DeNiro performance, and is good in anything he's in (And I mean ANYTHING). Abbie Cornish, who you may remember as Sweat Pea in Sucker Punch, plays Lindy. She gives a pretty solid performance, and it works in this movie. Plus, her talent isn't wasted in an action film that has absolutely no story. The rest of the characters do a pretty good job with what they're given, so I don't have much to complain though.

That's all I got, so overall, Limitless is a smart action film, with an interesting story, and knows how to give story and action well. Is it as good as Inception? No. But I'll give credit, that it IS close. It definitely is Bradley Cooper's best action flick since the A-Team.
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