Simply another of Jackie Chan's entertaining movies
6 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Jackie Chan movie: need I say any more. Probably not but I will. Not all of Jackie Chan movies are full of fights and laughs, though they do have scenes which set them apart from other movies. Dragons Forever I thought was going to be a slow movie, because I have seen a couple, but it wasn't. It was full of laughs, fighting, and things typical to Jackie Chan, though it did not have the classic stunt from Project A.

Jackie Chan plays a lawyer that looks after business people and even gangsters, but he does have morals. After he manages to get a guy acquitted for raping a woman, he punches him in the stomach. His nemesis is a young girl who owns a fish farm and a local factory is poisoning the lake. The girl takes the factory to court and Jackie Chan is hired by the factory to look after them. The confusion sets in when he realises that he has fallen in love with this woman. Then it is discovered that the factory has a more sinister side to it.

As for intellectual stimulation, there is little in this movie. It is interesting how we see the relationship between the lawyer and the girl work, especially how he starts off wanting to simply bed her and then uses the law to switch sides. The other characters are interesting as well. There is one business man who deals in fake weaponry and another who is simply mad. The guy is simply crazy and talks about how fish represent capitalism and birds represent communism. Jackie's methods are a little unethical, depending on where you draw ethics. He uses his two friends to extract information for himself, though he does not reveal everything to his friends. Everything flies back to him in the end when it is realised that he is taking everybody for a ride. Though the movie does have a happy ending, as is true Hollywood style.
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